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Campaign Resources

Board Directors, Community Leaders, Key Staff and Legislative Members met throughout 2020-2022 to conceptualize an expanded, modernized and aesthetic home surrounding America's most popular personality of the 20th Century. 

With state-based funding and philanthropic contributions in mind, a campaign was designed with the goal of raising $18M to re-purpose, remodel, furnish and professionally staff a better-suited facility. Highlighted by new exhibits, interactive experiences and a dedicated event center, the campaign goal includes endowing associated operational costs and educational programming. 

The Resource Landing Page is dedicated to sharing insights with contributors, leaders, volunteers, staff and active members who seek to better understand the wholistic impact of an expanded and beautiful facility housing the collections, stories, films, writings and artwork of the World's beloved Cherokee Indian-Cowboy. 

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A branded presentation outlines this mission-critical $18M project. Download the PDF presentation to better understand the deliverables, impact and associated campaign 

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To recognize and honor contributors' difference-making gifts, campaign leaders have aligned space-naming opportunities with key areas internally and externally associated with the renovated, repurposed facility for 25 years to perpetual

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Case for Support

The $18M campaign funds strategic renovations to our new home as well as expanded operational costs. The name TOGETHER WE WILL is the antidotal title or our campaign.  

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The vision, story, plan details can be downloaded here. 

Gifts to the TOGETHER WE WILL campaign can come in the form of cash, pledge or stock contributions or be pledged in a multi-year scenario so as to take a tax deduction in multiple years.

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Budget and Case,  can be downloaded here.

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The $18M campaign is lead by passionate world citizens, business professionals and community leaders. The Will Rogers Memorial Foundation anticipates transformational outcomes associated with the TOGETHER WE WILL  campaign. We value the dedicated time, energy, talent and leadership contributed by our Committees. 

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Campaign Collateral


Contact a Staff Member or a Volunteer and we will make sure you, your family or organization recieve printed material/collateral helping to explain the incredible project and its impact.

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Gifts to this important campaign can be contributed as cash, stock or multi-year pledges. 

Take a charitable tax deduction in multiple calendar years.

"More than ever, our country needs the common sense and ability to laugh at itself that Will Rogers provided. His humility and humor would be so welcome in today's world." 

““America’s aviation heritage is inextricably linked to the willingness of Will Rogers to use his fame to advance powered flight.”

“Will was America’s ambassador to humanity.”

“Will Rogers epitomized America: humble, decent, a man of goodness and good will. Creative, spirited, a trendsetter and a man of enduring talent. He was the best of society and held our hands in the worst and most desperate of times.” 

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Jim Bridenstine

Director of NASA, 2018-2021

U.S. Congressman, 2013-2018

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Stratton Taylor

The longest-serving President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma Senate - 1995-2003


Robert Henry

Oklahoma Attorney General 1986-1991 

U.S. Circuit Judge 1994-2010

President of Oklahoma City University 2010-2018

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Frank Keating

Governor of Oklahoma 1995-2003

“Will’s idea basically was a simple one: Cooperation, not division and he was the perfect representation for this idea.”

“Through his wit and wisdom, as well as his generosity and caring spirit, Will is Oklahoma’s favorite son.”

“Will Rogers stands for all the elements in  Oklahomans. He was a man of great character, humble beginnings, kind, witty and passionate. And because of these values, Will was the the most sought-after personality of the 20th Century. 

“Will Rogers was the very best 'world citizen'. He stated 'Each person is worthy to be loved and heard.'

America (and the entire globe) could use more world citizens and champions of humanity.'

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Barry Corbin

Emmy Award-Winning 


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George Nigh

Gov of Oklahoma, 1979-1987

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Bob Blackburn

Former Director, Oklahoma History Center

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Karen Keith

WRMF Board Member

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